Iced Tea Labs

Simple Request Using Volley

A – What is Volley? Volley is a very powerful and easy to use library for Android that can be used to handle networking connection. It manages the processing and caching of network requests and it...

Card Flip Animation

In previous posts, I showed you how to apply animation (fade, slide) to activity transaction. In this post, I’ll show you how to do a card flip animation applied for any View or Layout objects. A ...

Use Dropbox as SVN Repository

Version controlling is one of the most important concept in Software Development. It allow you to track all the version of files, folders among different team members in a very easy way. By the wa...

Facebook SDK Integration in Android

You must know that social media has a very important position in modern life - every thing can be shared on social network. One of the largest and most famous social network is Facebook. Integrate...

Organizing code with namespace in JavaScript

A. Preface: Sometime, we want to use functions or properties globally. But when there are too much global variables, they may be bring a lot of trouble - naming collisions. We can use namespace to ...

Activity Slide Transition

A - Introduction In previous post - Activity Fade Transition - I show you the pros of using transition animation in Android application. Today, I’ll show you another type of animation - slide tran...

Tips and Tricks for JavaScript Array

At the very first sight, I don’t like JavaScript! And till now, I still don’t like it LOL But because of my job, I have to deal with this it :) In this post, I’ll show you guys some tips and tri...

Activity Fade Transition

A - Introduction Fade animations made the transition between 2 activities becomes smoothly and naturally. It will gradually fade out current activity while simultaneously fading in another. Withou...

Get Result From Other App

A - Preface In previous post, I show you how to use Implicit Intent to call another app. But calling another app doesn’t have only one-way. You can also can recieve the result from calling app. S...

Singleton Implementation

A - Intent Ensure only ONE instance of the class is created Provide global access to that instance B - Usage Singleton will be applied when you want to have exactly ONE instance of a class, no ...