Iced Tea Labs

Use Implicit Intent to Call Another App

A - Preface In Android development, we usually use Intent to navigate between Activities in one application. It’s called explicit intent because you have to pass the exactly class name of the desti...

Create Dynamic UI with Fragment

A - Preface First of all, I just want to confirm that you know what Fragment was or not. If not, please read this post to know the basic knowledge about Fragment. When developing application, you ...

Object Comparison

A. Preface: We usually use “==” or “===” to compare variables in JavaScript. But sometimes, the result maybe not as expected. Let’s take a look: We have class Employee: function Employee(EmpID, Na...

Support Multiple Languages in Android

A - Introduction In Android development, you can keep the UI strings seperately with app code by storing all the strings in external files. You can find the res folder in Android project structure...

String.Format in JavaScript

A - Introduction As you know,  C# and VB.NET provide a very convenient method called Format(). That method allows us to format a string easily by passing the template string ( the string contains ...

Parse JSON in JavaScript

In the previous post ( [Android] Parse JSON in Android ), I showed how to get the JSON string from server and parse it into desired object using Java. This time, in this tutorial, I’ll parse JSON i...

Parse JSON in Android

A - Introduction JSON is a light-weight data interchange format. It’s easy for human to read and write, for machines to parse and generate. JSON is the best choice to replace XML when you want to ...

Android Action Bar

A - Android Action Bar introduction Android Action Bar provides a consistent navigation across your application that can adapt for different screen configurations. As you can see, the above figu...

Android Sliding Menu using Navigation Drawer

A - Introduction Android Sliding Menu Nowadays, a lot of Android applications use Sliding Menu to navigate between app’s modules/ screens. The Sliding Menu is hidden in the normal state and can be ...

Android Swipe View with Tab Layout

In my previous post “Android Tab Layout”, I showed you how to use TabHost to display a Tab layout. Unfortunately, TabHost is deprecated by android in favor of fragments. Instead of using TabHost, ...